This, as the Federal Emergency Management Agency has admitted that they have evidence of fraud.
Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have now made insurance news as they have agreed to provide the victims of Superstorm Sandy who feel that their claims have not been properly paid, with another opportunity to receive a review.
This could provide as many as 144,000 claims with the chance to undergo a fresh review.
Moreover, the review opportunity is also making FEMA flood insurance news as it will not be limiting the corrective action within 2,200 different cases that are presently in litigation. A spokesperson for the agency has stated that FEMA is establishing a new process for the victims of the superstorm to progress in a new way. That said, just because one of the storm victim submits a claim to receive another review, it doesn’t mean that it necessarily will be.
This insurance news has come on the heels of other recent headlines with allegations of fraud.
In those cases, certain flood insurance companies have been accused of inappropriate processes and behaviors in their assessment of the damage caused by the storm. Earlier in March, the deputy associate administrator for insurance at FEMA, Brad Kieserman was interviewed on “60 Minutes” on CBS and explained that homeowners could potentially have been cheated out of millions of dollars that were due to them in flood insurance payments.
He explained that “I’m not going to sit here and conceal the fact that it happened because in the last three weeks I’ve seen evidence of it.” The show’s report went on to follow one homeowners in particular, who had found evidence that the engineer reports from the insurance company had been altered from the original that had been made, so that it no longer indicated that the home had any structural damage. The man managed to get in touch with the original engineer who had made the report, and he was able to photograph that original report, which revealed entirely different details from those that were presented by the insurer.
Now, the insurance news has broadened as insurers deny any wrongdoing.